English to Hungarian Translation
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Welcome to Hungarian-English Translation Services

Hi, my name is Katalin Pankotay. I'm a native Hungarian fluent in English for the past 10 years. I left Hungary at the age of 16 and since have lived in both the US & UK. I currently reside in the UK just outside London. If you would like to know more about me please click here.

I offer an easy and fast Hungarian to English / English to Hungarian translation service at a very competitive price. No matter how short or long your text is, whether it contains technical terminology, specific jargon or slang, I can translate it for you. Simply complete the quick form below to send me your text to translate.

Info For Hungarians Hungarians/Magyarok: Ha nem beszélsz angolul kérlek klikkelj ide és írj nekem.

Order Step One: Place Your Order

Enter Text Below  *Please enter your Hungarian or English text for translation below:
Send Documents  or click here to send your document(s) or audio & video file(s) for a custom quote.

*Select Content Type:  
Standard Content (£0.07 per word) Number of Words:
Technical/Jargon-Heavy Content (£0.10 per word) Delivery Timeframe:
24 hours
     (Minimum Order: £1.00 up to the first 10 words) Price: £
*Full Name:
*Email Address:
*Confirm Email Address:
  Additional Comments: *Human Verification:
(* = Required Fields)
PayPal Verified Member

How This Service Works:

  1. First, please type or copy and paste the content that you would like to have translated in to the large text box area at the top of the order form above.

  2. Then simply select the two 'Content Type' options below the content entry box. This will set the price per word.

  3. Next view the price and delivery timeframe displayed below the content entry box. These amounts are automatically calculated for you based on your content type selection and the number of words in your content (full pricing and delivery time details are below).

  4. Fill out the rest of the form entering your name, email and any additional comments in the relevant boxes.

  5. Click 'Next Step' to review your order on the 'Confirm Order' page.

  6. Check your order details are entered correctly and click the 'Proceed To PayPal Checkout' button.

  7. You are now taken to the secure PayPal Checkout where you can pay for your order.

  8. After making your payment in the PayPal Checkout you will arrive at the 'Order Complete' page. An email receipt will have been sent to you from PayPal confirming your order as well as an email from me confirming your order details.

  9. You will then receive your translation via email to the address specified in your order, within the timeframe stated.

If you have any questions about the order process please do not hesitate to contact me.


Standard Content: £0.07/ per word
Technical Content: £0.10/ per word

The minimum order is £1.00 which includes the first 10 words.
After this the per word pricing above is activated.

Attention Please note: if your content contains technical terminology and/or a lot of jargon you MUST select the 'Technical/Jargon-Heavy Content' content type option in the order form otherwise you will need to place your order again.

Delivery Times:

The table below shows the timeframe's I will complete your order within. These timeframes relate to working days only (Monday-Friday) and exclude weekends.

Number or Words in Content: Standard Content: Technical Content:
0 - 1500 words 24 hours 24 hours
1501 - 2000 words 24 hours 48 hours
2001 - 3000 words 48 hours 72 hours
3001 - 5000 words 72 hours 5 days
5001 - 7000 words 5 days 7 days
7001 - 10000 words 7 days 10 days
Every 1000 extra words add 1 day add 2 days

Attention Please note: I often complete translations well before the timeframe's stated above. These timeframes are simply in place to allow for busy times.


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